Wonderful images of what the business of health care has left in its wake as the beast has torn apart a mostly helping and preventative system into a greed fed, big Pharm, Big AG, Insurance driven system. Nursing and medical staff members are just among the many casulties of their crusade!

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Those AI generated images are a mood! Really well done and compliment the piece nicely. I look forward to reading and seeing more.

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I have always been passionate about helping people even when I was young. However, this career can often take a toll on my well-being, leaving me exhausted and overwhelmed. Self-care, rituals, and moments of healing are a must.

Whether it's indulging in a warm bath, practicing mindfulness, or simply taking a walk in nature, I have found that these small acts of self-care help to restore my spirit. Self care is a way of showing respect and compassion for oneself. It is a reminder that I too am a human being, with my own needs and feelings, and that I deserve the same care and attention that I give to my patients every day.

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